Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Association des Pinet / Pinette d’Acadie is created ...

First meeting held in Bathurst, at the home of André and Céline Pinet

November 21, 2004

Présent: Léo-Paul Pinet, Gilles Pinet, Jeannine Pinet-Arseneau, Dorice Pinet, Marcel Arseneau, Roger Hachey, Blanche Pinet-Hachey, André Pinet, Céline Pinet.

This meeting aims to form an association of Pinet / Pinette family members who will be responsible for the organization of the Pinet family reunion during the CMA 2009, held in the Acadian Peninsula.

Who initiated this idea? - Following the nomination of the Acadian Peninsula as host region for the next Congrès mondial acadien, Jeannine Arseneau approached Dorice Pinet who, in turn, approached Léo-Paul to discuss the possibility of holding a first reunion of the Pinet / Pinette family in 2009. Léo-Paul checked with others Pinet family members and a first meeting was held at the home of Céline and André Pinet in Bathurst in November 2004. What a feast!

-- There was discussion about:

-joining the FAFA (Federation of Associations of Acadian families). Gilles, a member of the federation, explains the benefits and conditions;

-the site in Bertrand where Pierre Pinet, our ancestor, had settled. According to André, you can find the stone that served as a door sill;

-organizing a pre-meeting in 2007;

-creating a Web site - Gilles is ready to help;

-the origin of the Pinet family. Céline, who has been researching this family for over 20 years, said she was ready to deal with all matters relating to family history;

-setting the structures of future association;

-inviting others to our meetings;

-the next meeting in 2 weeks to begin the process of organization.

Next meeting: December 5th , 2004 at the home of André and Céline

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